Tuesday, August 8, 2023

From Pain To Healing

 Hello To All:

Praying all is well. First, to begin with, I thank you for reading and responding to my previous post,
 "Focus on God"
I received positive feedback, thanking me for sharing the post. To God Be The Glory.

Well, I and my husband Arthur had an awesome time last week, visiting my sons and daughter-in-law (Love) and also my sister-in-Christ in New York. Lots of Jesus, good food, and laughter. Loved it! 
I thank God for His safe travels and for all those who are travelling throughout the year. 
Jesus takes the wheel. Amen.

We live in a world where so much is happening. Young and old are dying. People are going through their own issues. However, in the midst of it all, God Word says, He will never leave us nor forsake us. We have to trust Him. Amen. 

My Blogs are for people who I coach and minister to - past, present and future who struggle with finding themselves and are looking to learn how to control their thoughts and behaviors.

As a woman, it can be really difficult to accept that someone has wronged you. Whether it’s a betrayal of trust, a broken promise, or something more serious, it can be hard to forgive and move on. 

But as a Christian, I believe in what the Bible says about how we should respond to those who hurt us.

The Bible says, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:17-18). This scripture is clear that we should not seek revenge or dwell on the pain of wrongdoings. Instead, we should strive for peace and do what is right in the eyes of everyone.

The Bible also says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32). This reminds me that I should always be willing to forgive, no matter how difficult it may be. I should also remember that God has already forgiven me for my own mistakes, so it’s only right that I should forgive others too.

Finally, the Bible reminds us to “pray for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6:28). Rather than retaliating or stewing in anger, we should pray for those who have hurt us. It’s not easy, but it’s a great way to find peace and start the healing process.

It’s not easy to forgive those who have wronged us, but I believe that following the Bible’s teachings can help us do so. By striving for peace, being kind and forgiving, and praying for those who hurt us, we can find the strength to move on from our pain and start to heal.

Hope this helps someone. (Read, Apply, Meditate)

Monday, August 7, 2023

The Question Was Asked

 I received an email today from someone who is a believer in Christ.  I was given permission to share it. 

The Question was asked?

Sister Helen - You are a very Humble Woman of God. Can you answer me this question sister Helen. Sister Helen, Why is it that people are so selfish, especially the people who you fellowship with. Are they supposed to be Humble? They will never support you because you are not a member of their group or church. I need an answer sister Helen. Are we supposed to be of the same Body of Christ.  Can you give me an honest answer sister Helen? 

My Reply
My Dear sister, when you Focus on God and His Word. You do not need any approval from anyone. Your approval comes from God.  When you spend time in His Word and Seek Him First, His Kingdom, And His Righteousness.  All things will be added unto you. When you put your total trust in God. He is able to do totally, abundantly all that you ask for.  However, You must be obedient to His Word and have a relationship with Him.  Focus. When you Focus on God's Business. He will take care of you and your business. He will direct your steps. He will put the right people in your place. Speak His Word. Pray, Pray, Pray.

People should have more empathy for one another . If we did that, the world would be a better place. People think more of themselves than others sometimes. Empathy does not cost you anything. 

I hope this helped someone. Jesus is Love.Emoji

Clearing the Clutter Within

As we stand on the brink of a new year, it's time to embrace a liberating purge—not just of the tangible mess around us but of the intan...